Resume / C.V.

Global Executive

Experience footprint includes the Americas, Europe, Australia and Asia. Proven competence meeting key strategic and operational challenges for CXOs and real estate leadership stakeholders at leading global firms. Deep expertise in leadership, business development, account management, retention and operations. Eleven years of top-tier management consulting: corporate strategy, mergers & acquisitions, operational improvement and enterprise cost reduction. Proficient in French.

Pepmiller Visual Resume

Click the image above for a larger, clearer viewing experience [PDF]

The above “visual resume” is a useful snapshot summary of my career.  I would be delighted to send this to you if you are struggling to read or print this from your computer.

A traditional resume/c.v. is also available upon request.  Finally, a Client References, Training Instruction / Mentoring & Professional Development addendum also exists for those interested.

Email for these items.

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